Finally, a calendar that lets you create to-do lists each day.

Inspired by our love of bullet journals and paper planners. 🤓

Listberry App

Keep up with your daily to-do’s.

  1. List anything you need to do on any given day.

    • “Clean out closet,”, “Call dad”, “Water plants”.

  2. Create alerts as needed.

  3. Cross them off as you see them.

P.S. You're 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. 😁

Still using a paper planner?

If you're using a paper diary because you love lists, need that birds-eye view of your tasks, and enjoy that satisfying feeling of crossing things off… then you're just like us, and Listberry may be the digital alternative you've been searching for. We wanted the ease & flexibility of paper planners — and the portability of an app.  

We respect your privacy:

Given the personal nature of your day-to-day lists, we do not store any of your data. You will NEVER be asked to log-in or register to use any of our apps.


Declutter your mind

Write down anything you have to do. ☝️
Need to “Deep clean the home” every Sunday? Or “Buy Joe a gift” 1 month from now?

Plan & scan for days, weeks, & months to come.


Note “Goals & Notes” — Weekly and Monthly

Track your bigger picture to-do’s in both of Week View and Month View.

See them as you plan your daily tasks. 🌇


Quotes designed to inspire you on journey

Reflect on sage wisdom. 💭


Create alerts, events, and repeating tasks as-needed:

Because not EVERY task (e.g. Laundry) needs to be time-blocked as an "event". 😊



Bold and highlight the important stuff and create visual organization. 🤓


And more

  1. Set daily reminders to check your to-do list

  2. Show national holidays for your country

  3. Create a PDF of all your entries

  4. View week numbers as you plan your days

  5. Auto-group tasks by highlighter colour so your list is instantly ordered by category!


Some words from our amazing users ✨

“Listberry has made me a more efficient person! I never forget things or write down things just to lose the note! Crossing off a task with my finger is so satisfying and seeing the notification number go down throughout the day makes me feel accomplished as well!” -aldendehart

“Exactly what I’ve been searching for!” - ansndxjs

“This app gives the best parts of Bullet Journaling in a simple format on the device I have on me all the phone.” - mives121

“Beautiful minimalist design, no data recorded and no need for logins and passwords. Easy to use and after only using for around a week it’s really helped organize my life!” - HollyMcK92

“I cannot recommend this app highly enough. It is honestly wonderful. I feel so much calmer using this system for my to-do’s every day.” - FlissJane

Read these and other reviews on your phone’s App Store 🙈❤️

A goal without a plan is just a wish.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 🙏

Stay well.

We hope our apps help you on your road to becoming all that you are meant to be. 💛